
Posts Tagged ‘Life’

shortcoming or blessing.

January 18, 2010 Leave a comment

I was thinking today, as I try to do on a consistent basis in order to function in life.  There are people in life who will point out things you find as blessings to be shortcomings.  For example, somone may point out that John Doe seems to get gadgets before others.  This person may also point out John Doe’s electronics are updated within 6 mos leaving him to the ‘old stuff’, which is expected.  Is this a (tangible) shortcoming?  I like to think of this more as a blessing.  John Doe is pretty lucky to be able to experience things he enjoys and is a trendsetter.  Lucky for him, he may also get bored easily so the fact that gadgets change in 6 mos may be what excites him? 

Kind of like changing my hair every 5 weeks.  It’s like a whole new Pribble.  If my hairstylist chooses the wrong cut for my face…it’s ok.  Why?  Because hair grows back.  5 weeks later…new Pribble.  Love it.

Don’t get caught up in what others have and always be thankful for what you do have.  The fact is things are only ‘things’.  Life is short and nothing matters more than the loved ones you have in your life and the way you choose to live your life.  Count your blessings.  The more humble you are the more blessings you will receive.  I have learned the hard way a time or two…which I am sure I will continue to learn for the rest of my days.

I love my family and friends…gadgets, schmadgets are just extras people get to enjoy.

Enjoy your day!


Update. Personal.

December 1, 2009 1 comment

So after these past three weeks, I am excited to say I will be able to stay in the comfort of my home for at least 2 weeks straight!  SWEEEEET!

I am excited that our new dining room is currently in place thank you to the help I received from my father.  He and I had the adventuresome road-trip from Orlando to New Orleans to accomplish a feat I definitely would have been unable to do…alone.  Carry a dining room table up two flights of stairs.  Okay, maybe one flight of stairs that zig zag about half way up.  Needless to say – pribble alone = no dining room table.

On a personal note, I have decided to read Crazy Love by Francis Chan.  Must say that I am excited to have my downfalls and selfishness revealed to me once again.  Starting off, the book seems to display an extreme case of passion for God.  Kind of like that first love in life that moves you to scream from the rooftop in exclamation of your feelings.  A love so pure, powerful, selfless you are willing to go completely blind to your needs in order to fulfill the desires of your loved one.  Excited I tell you.

Create change and embrace love.


FTC Disclaimer:
1) Did you get this product (Crazy Love) for free by the company, or did you buy it yourself? Yes.
2) Are you getting paid or compensated by this company for this video?  No.
3) Are you affiliated with this company?  No.
4) Is this your honest opinion or a paid review?  My honest opinion.

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